Is this studio all-ages?

Yes, we’re a full-service rehearsal studio for all ages.

What are your rates?

Rooms 1 and 2 are $27/hr weekdays 12-3pm and weekends, $30/hr weekdays 3-11pm.

Rooms 3 and 4 are $20/hr weekdays 12-3pm and weekend, $22/hr weekends.

Please check out services for day rates / lockouts as well as additional services!

What are your hours?

Mon-Fri 12 - 11 pm
Sat-Sun 9:30 - 4:30 pm

Need scheduling outside of our current operating hours or day-rates?
Inquire at info@kr-studios.com or 323-251-6044!

What equipment is included?

Please see all backline equipment on our Rooms page. Additional equipment available for rental.


KR Studios, 2471 Fletcher Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90039


Street parking in front of and behind the building as well as on side street, Crystal St.

Where do I book?

Here is a direct link to our booking page: https://krstudios.skedda.com/booking. Please enter any input list needs and we’ll have the room dialed in for you.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please cancel under 24hrs for refund. You can cancel yourself at https://krstudios.skedda.com/booking

Safety Info

Please review our health and safety guidelines here.